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Ref.: FA646
Artistic Direction : PIERRE PALENGAT
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 54 minutes
Nbre. CD : 1

“This CD includes eight magnificent concerts recorded in the Niokolo Koba national park, in Senegal. It is possible to hear a great variety of birds such as the Black-crowned Tchagra, Falk-tailed Drongo or White-crowned Robin-chat – real masters of song – and also, Green Monkeys and Baboons, Hippopotamuses, Lions, Hyaenas… In short all the strange sounds of the jungle at dawn or dusk, and fascinating nocturnal concerts with Owls, Nightjars, insects and frogs.” Patrick Frémeaux
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Cossyphe à tête blancheWhite-headed Robin-Chat (Cossypha heinrichi)00:00:511999
2Coucou de KlaasKlaas's Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx klaas)00:00:481999
3Cossyphe à tête blancheWhite-headed Robin-Chat (Cossypha heinrichi)00:02:281999
4Pintade CommuneHelmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris)00:00:521999
5Cossyphe à tête blanche 1White-headed Robin-Chat (Cossypha heinrichi)00:04:071999
6In a Forest CanopyDans une Galerie ForestièreEncyclopédie sonore00:01:371999
7Green MonkeySinge VertEncyclopédie sonore00:00:441999
8In A Vast ClearingDans Une Vaste ClairièreEncyclopédie sonore00:00:501999
9BaboonBabouinEncyclopédie sonore00:05:151999
10BangareBangare Près du Fleuve GambieEncyclopédie sonore00:00:561999
11Ibis hagedashHadada Ibis (Bostrychia hagedash)00:01:591999
12Tchagra à tête noireBlack-crowned Tchagra (Tchagra senegala)00:00:561999
13HippopotamusHippopotameEncyclopédie sonore00:05:061999
14Bird Chorus Next to a PoolOiseaux Près d'une MareEncyclopédie sonore00:01:131999
15Drongo brillantFork-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis)00:01:451999
16Merle Métallique CommunGreater Blue-eared Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis chalybaeus)00:01:561999
17In A Wet MeadowDans une Prairie HumideEncyclopédie sonore00:00:321999
18Gonolek de BarbarieCommon Gonolek (Laniarius barbarus)00:01:241999
19BaboonBabouin 2Encyclopédie sonore00:00:491999
20Pintade CommuneHelmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris)00:01:581999
21LionLionEncyclopédie sonore00:02:221999
22Dust RoadPiste de Dalaba à Oubadji DalabaEncyclopédie sonore00:01:371999
23Gonolek de BarbarieCommon Gonolek (Laniarius barbarus)00:01:501999
24Gambia RiverAu Bord de La GambieEncyclopédie sonore00:00:411999
25Petit-duc africainAfrican Scops-Owl (Otus senegalensis)00:03:031999
26BaboonBabouin 3Encyclopédie sonore00:01:021999
27HippopotamusHippopotame 2Encyclopédie sonore00:02:581999
28Engoulevent ternePlain Nightjar (Caprimulgus inornatus)00:02:081999
29Spotted HyaenaHyène TachetéeEncyclopédie sonore00:03:011999