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Alain Gerber - Un noël de Jelly Roll Morton, une aventure de l’inventeur autoproclamé du jazz
Une aventure de l’inventeur autoproclamé du jazz
1 livre 160 pages
ref. : FAL8995
Director of “The Quintessence” boxed set collection, which presents the best recordings of some 50 jazz geniuses, Alain Gerber has chosen Jelly Roll Morton as the third artist in the collection, between Count Basie and Duke Ellington, and has now chosen him as the subject of his “autobiographical novel”. A biographer and discographer of jazz, Gerber pushes the confession of characters whose careers he knows in minute detail. As delectable as it gets, Un Noël de Jelly Roll Morton gives a voice to the man who didn't hesitate to write “inventor of jazz” on his business cards, a certain Ferdinand Joseph Lamothe, whose many compositions made a lasting impression on the history of American music. 160 pages book, in French.


Une autobiographie de la batterie de jazz

L’autobiographie de Martial Solal (préface d’Alain...

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