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Intégrale Histoire de France
Réf. : FA5500 / FA5501 / FA5502 / FA5503 / FA5504 / FA5505 / FA5506 / FA5507
Artistic Direction : MICHEL PRIGENT (PUF) & CLAUDE COLOMBINI , Claude Colombini à l\'initiative de Michel Prigent , CLAUDE COLOMBINI FREMEAUX , Claude Colombini à l'Initiative de Michel Prigent , Claude Gauvard / Production Claude Colombini avec Paul Garapon , CLAUDE COLOMBINI FREMEAUX & PAUL GARAPON
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 39 hours 31 minutes
Nbre. CD : 33
This is the first volume of Frémeaux's new collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 5 CDs boxed set Bruno Dumézil tells us the history of France frome the Gauls to the Merovingian Dynasty.
This is the second volume of Frémeaux's new collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set Claude GAUVARD tells us the history of France during the Capetian Dynasty (from the 10th century to the 14th century).
This is the third volume of Frémeaux's new collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set Claude GAUVARD tells us the history of France during the Hundred Years' War.
This is the fourth volume of Frémeaux's collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set Jean-Marie LE GALL tells us the history of France during the XVI and XVII centuries
This is the fifth volume of Frémeaux's collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 5 CDs boxed set Olivier Coquard tells us the history of France during the Enlightment Century, prior to the French Revolution until the end of Napoleon reign. In French.
This is the sixth volume of Frémeaux's collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical F7lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set Emmanuel Fureix tells us the history of France during the XIX th Century, until WW1. In French.
This is the seventh volume of Frémeaux's collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set Jean-François Sirinelli tells us the history of France during 1914-1958. In French.
This is the eigth volume of Frémeaux's collection, about French History. Directed by Claude Gauvard, an esteemed historian and college Professor, in coedition with famed editor Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), this collection proposes historical lectures on French history by the best specialists of the different periods. In this 4 CDs boxed set, Jean-François Sirinelli tells us the history of France from 1958 to nowadays. In French.

PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Quand commence l'histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:092011
2Origines d'un sentiment nationalBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:362011
3La civilisation de l'HallstattBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:512011
4Les échanges marchands avec le monde méditerranéenBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:192011
5L'apparition de la civilisation de la TeneBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:042011
6L'influence romaineBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:432011
7Le leg d'un cadre naturel humaniséBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:01:482011
8La Gaulle dans l'Empire romainBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:082011
9La voie romaine et le développement des villesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:002011
10L'apparition des villae dans les campagnesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:152011
11L'agriculture et l'artisanatBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:01:572011
12L'élite gauloise et l'évergétismeBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:012011
13L'héritage romainBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:012011
14L'idée d'un pouvoir personnel fortBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:242011
15Une crise économique fiscale sociale et démographiqueBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:042011
16Les incursions barbaresBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:01:532011
17Des tentatives de restauration de l'EmpireBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:302011
18La réforme fiscaleBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:502011
19L'implantation du ChristianismeBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:492011
20Les empereurs et l'EgliseBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:102011
21Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:522011
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:362011
2Les royaumes barbaresBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:342011
3Le modèle historique des grandes invasionsBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:412011
4Des racines communesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:182011
5Les mythes d'origineBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:092011
6La suprématie des FrancsBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:482011
7L'installation des MérovingiensBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:172011
8Le rassembleur du territoireBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:062011
9Le baptème de ClovisBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:052011
10Les partages du royaumeBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:142011
11Des continuateurs du monde romainBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:012011
12Le palais et le plaidBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:112011
13La cité : PagusBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:312011
14Les évêques: Des agents royauxBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:422011
15Des monastères protegés par les roisBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:192011
16La coutume funéraireBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:032011
17Le système de la faideBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:592011
18Le duel judiciaire et l'ordalieBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:132011
19Une identité nationale qui s'affaiblitBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:142011
20Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:032011
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:192011
2Les PippinidesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:512011
3Les évolutions sous le règne de Charles MartelBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:312011
4Le sacreBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:032011
5Les alliances matrimoniales de CharlemagneBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:282011
6L'ost entre faiblesses et triomphesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:362011
7Une série de victoires permanentesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:132011
8Charlemagne a-t-il les moyens de sa politique ?Bruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:232011
9L'aristocratie d'EmpireBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:472011
10Les missi dominiciBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:572011
11Aix-la-Chapelle : la capitaleBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:432011
12Le choix des évêquesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:382011
13La règle de St BenoîtBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:372011
14Benoît d'Aniane et la réforme bénédictineBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:452011
15De la Caroline à la sauvegarde des manuscrits de l'antiquitéBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:052011
16Le succès du denierBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:03:222011
17Les grands domaines carolingiensBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:052011
18Un phénomène urbain originalBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:232011
19Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:162011
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Histoire de FranceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:512011
2De petites expéditions annuellesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:04:002011
3Une invasion tardive vers les Vici et les églisesBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:372011
4L'empire : Entre faiblesse de l'armée et stratégie de défenseBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:212011
5Un sentiment d'impuissance généralisée à nuancerBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:01:522011
6La féodalite: Un contrat d'alliance et d'assistanceBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:272011
7La diffusion du modèle vassalique au IXe siècleBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:05:272011
8Louis d'Aquitaine : unique héritierBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:442011
9Louis le Pieux et les débuts du règneBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:452011
10Le testament de Louis le PieuxBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:532011
11L'ordination de 823Bruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:322011
12L'empereur isoléBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil00:02:462011
13L'échec du règne de Louis le PieuxBruno DumézilBruno Dumézil