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Ref.: FA5463
Artistic Direction : Editorialisation : Lola Caul-Futy Frémeaux
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 1 hours 30 minutes
Nbre. CD : 2

In this 2 CD course, Michel Onfray, the great French philosopher, deals with Don Quixote, Cervantes'famous character who desires to become a knight and fights windmills. Using the depiction of the concept of denial at the rot of political and religious indoctrination. In French
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Le principe de dénégationMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:432014
2Dans la perspective freudienneMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:562014
3A la recherche de références littérairesMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:022014
4Don Quichotte, le roman de la dénégationMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:072014
5Une dialectique entre mémoire et orgueilMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:01:342014
6Le labyrinthe de la narrationMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:482014
7Une thèse dans l'œuvreMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:222014
8Une inversion du réélMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:582014
9Un livre anti-chrétienMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:202014
10Deux personnages icônes d'idéologie opposéesMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:022014
11Sancho Panza ancré dans l'empirique du réélMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:582014
12Pour un épicurisme chrétienMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:072014
13Le statut de la véritéMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:242014
14L'identité du dénégateurMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:172014
15La survivance du cerveau reptilienMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:012014
16La rupture dans le réélMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:432014
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Le relativismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:102014
2La vérité dialectiqueMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:132014
3Don Quichotte représentant de sa classeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:062014
4Donner le pouvoir au peupleMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:082014
5Une figure nationaleMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:362014
6Une source d'inspirationMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:312014
7Les prescripteurs d'opinionMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:272014
8L'analyse de Marthe RobertMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:01:422014
9Foucault et l'univers de la folieMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:522014
10Penser la question de l'utopieMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:422014